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Artificial Intelligence and Simulation: what are the advances and outcomes for industry?

Artificial Intelligence and Simulation: what are the advances and outcomes for industry?

Cyrill Glockner, Director of Business AI at Microsoft Research & Incubation, says, “If you can simulate reality, you can simulate the future of that reality”.

In this short video, Glockner explores how the combination of artificial intelligence and simulation provides an incredibly powerful means to look into the future and learn from that future in the minutes, months, or even years before it arrives.

Advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning make processing enormous data sets more efficient than ever. Supercharging these capabilities with the capacity to simulate future data means industry decision makers have better visibility over what lies ahead. 

Today supply chain leaders, city planners, manufacturers, and critical infrastructure managers all stand to benefit from the clarity that arrives at the nexus of AI and simulation. Glockner’s vision is broad and the collaboration between Cosmo Tech AI-Simulation Technology and Microsoft’s groundbreaking Project Bonsai is taking that vision and transforming it into an industrial reality.